
Historias Melódicas: Jeremy - Pearl Jam

Esta canción la usamos en el "Curso-Taller sobre la Prevención del Bullying". Ya la conocía desde antes, por supuesto, pero fue de  gran utilidad. Cuenta la historia de Jeremy, quien entró a su salón de clases y se disparó en la cabeza. Y todo porque ya no aguantaba más, ya había llegado al límite... Así que, quería compartirla con ustedes.

At home, drawing pictures of mountain tops, with him on top
Lemon yellow sun, arms raised in a V
The dead lay in pools of maroon below
Daddy didn't give attention
To the fact that mommy didn't care
King Jeremy the wicked, oh, ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today
Clearly I remember pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
But we unleashed a lion
Gnashed his teeth and bit the recess lady's breast
How could I forget?
And he hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurtin', ooh, dropped wide open
Just like the day, oh, like the day I heard
Daddy didn't give affection
And the boy was something mommy wouldn't wear
King Jeremy the wicked, ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today
Try to forget this...try to forget this...
Try to erase this...try to erase this...
From the blackboard...
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in, spoke in
Jeremy spoke in class today

1 comentario:

  1. Hola!
    Que triste la canción :( pero también es linda..

    Besos :3


Escúpelo, que dentro te hace daño.