
Dear Muggle (29): Mejor/peor artículo de "El profeta"

Querido muggle:

Hoy estoy demasiado corta de tiempo y como sé que sabes inglés -vale, un poquito- te dejo mi artículo favorito de el periódico "El Profeta".

A boy like none other, perhaps - yet a boy suffering all the usual pangs of adolescence, writes Rita Skeeter. Deprived of love ever since the tragic demise of his parents fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he had found solace in his steady girl friend at Hogwarts Muggle-born Hermione Granger. Little did he know that he would shortly be suffering yet another personal loss. Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to have a taste for famous wizards that Harry alone cannot satisfy. Since the arrival at Hogwarts of Victor Krum, Bulgarian seeker, Miss Granger has been toying with both boys' affections.
Krum, who is openly smitten with the devious Miss Granger, has already invited her to visit him in Bulgaria over the summer holidays and insists that he has never felt this way about any other girl. Plus, he invited her to be his dance partner at the Yule Ball on Christmas Eve. However it might not be Miss Granger's doubtful nature charms which have captured these unfortunate boys' interest. "She's really ugly," says Pansy Parkinson, a pretty and vivacious fourth year student, "but well up to making a love potion, she's quite brainy. I think that's how she's doing it." Love potions are of course banned at Hogwarts and no doubt Albus Dumbledore will want to investigate these claims. In the meantime, Harry Potter's well wishers must hope that next time he will he bestows his heart upon a worthier candidate.

Me pareció muy gracioso que Skeeter conectara a estos tres, sobre todo porque antes yo era partidaria de Harmione.Y vale, me marcho.

Con amor siempre, Ana.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola! :)

    xD Esa mujer no sabe más que enredar las cosas, todavía no llegué a esa parte en los libros, pero me acuerdo que en la peli me irritó y me divirtió al mismo tiempo, no sé :P

    A mí me gusta el artículo que dice que los Weasley están en Egipto x3


  2. Definitivame ella es irritante, pero tengo admitir que ese articulo si fue gracioso :)


Escúpelo, que dentro te hace daño.